Flight (2007 novel)


1st edition
Author(s) Sherman Alexie
Cover artist Charles Rue Woods
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Historical Fiction
Publisher Grove Press
Publication date March 28, 2007
Media type Print (Hardcover and Paperback)
Pages 181
ISBN 0-8021-7037-4
OCLC Number 77333764
Dewey Decimal 813/.54 22
LC Classification PS3551.L35774 F57 2007

Flight is a novel written by Sherman Alexie. It is written in the first-person, from the viewpoint of a Native American teenager who calls himself Zits, "a time traveling mass murderer." Zits is a foster child, having spent the majority of his life moving from one negative or abusive family experience to another. His friend, Justice, introduces Zits to a new way of thinking, and to the idea of committing random violence. Just in the middle of one of these incidents, Zits is thrust into the body of a stranger—which would become the first of many similar incidents. The story confronts Zits' feelings of vulnerability as a misunderstood teenager, orphan, and as a Native American person.[1]


Plot summary

Flight begins with Zits waking up in a new foster home. Not liking his new family, he shoves his foster mom against the wall and runs out the door. Eventually Officer Dave catches up with him and takes him to jail. While in jail Zits meets Justice, a young white boy who takes Zits under his wing. When Zits is released from jail he finds Justice and they begin their training on how to shoot people. Once Justice believes Zits is ready to commit a real crime, he sends him off to a bank. After opening fire in the lobby, Zits perceives he has been shot in the head, ultimately sending him back in time.

During his flashback, Zits transforms into many different historical characters. The first character he transforms into is FBI Agent Hank Storm. While in Hank's body Zits witnesses a meeting with two Indians involved with IRON. He watches his partner kill an innocent Indian and is forced to shoot the corpse in the chest.

The next character he becomes is a mute Indian boy. He is thrown back into the time of General Custer's last stand. He gets to witness this historical battle and at the end is told by his father to slash a fallen soldier's throat as revenge for his own muteness.

While trying to figure out what to do, Zits is taken into yet another character, Gus. Gus is known as "Indian Tracker" and has to lead the cavalry to an Indian camp. Trying to take over Gus's actions, Zits forces himself to not attack the Indians. He helps Bow Boy and Small Saint escape from the advancing cavalry.

Next, Zits becomes Jimmy, a pilot who teaches Abbad to fly a plane. He witnesses Jimmy's affair on his wife, and Abbad using the knowledge to carry out a terrorist attack, and Jimmy's suicide.

Finally, Zits ends up as his own father. While in his father's body, he begins to understand why his father left his mother. He also begins to understand that his father does love him and that by leaving he was doing the best for his son.

When Zits reinhabits his own body, he is standing in the bank staring at a small boy. Realizing that his crime could affect many more than just him, he walks out and takes himself to Officer Dave. Knowing he has to help this boy, Officer Dave brings Zits to his brother's house where Zits is offered to stay with them. Zits finally realizes that he can trust these people and for once in his life finally feels at home.


Zits (Michael), the main character, is fifteen years old. For the past nine years of his life, he has been bounced around from negligent family members to remiss foster homes. His Irish-American mother died from breast cancer when he was six years old. Zits’ Native-American father left the family when Zits was born. Zits describes himself as “a blank sky, a human solar eclipse,” not belonging to anyone and no one belonging to him. After staying with his Aunt and her sexually abusive boyfriend for two years after his mother’s death, Zits runs away, starts drinking, smokes crack, steals a car, and finds himself repeatedly in juvenile detention.

Transformation #1: Hank Storm (FBI Agent) is a short, stocky, attractive, federal agent during the 1975 Indigenous Rights Now! (IRON) movement in Red River, Idaho. Zits is mortified that he is one of the FBI agents who joined with HAMMER, IRON’s opposition. As Hank Storm, Zits learns that Elk and Horse (IRON’s two figureheads) are in cahoots with the FBI and HAMMER. Elk and Horse bring Hank and his partner a member of IRON, Junior, to interrogate. When Hank’s partner, Art, is unable to attain information from Junior, Art shoots and kills him. Hank is forced to shoot Junior as well after he is already dead in order to have his hand in the murder.

Transformation #2: Indian Boy, a small boy at the camp of Little Big Horn right before Custer's attack. He has a father who loves him very much and this is the first time Zits gets to feel love from another person in a long period of time. He witnesses the attack and the brutality the Indians inflict on the white man. Then he is forced to cut a little white boy's vocals chords for revenge for what they did to the Indian boy.

Transformation #3: Indian Tracker, an old man named Gus who is part of the army. It is his job to track down the Indians for the others to kill. He has really bad arthritis which makes it difficult for him to move and put his clothes on. During the massacre of the Indian village he leads the army to, he sees one of the young soldiers running off and saving a little Indian boy. He is supposed to turn them over but instead he helps them get away because he joined the army to help people.

Transformation #4: Pilot (Jimmy), enjoys flying his personal aircraft, he is happy to fly and happier to land safely. Jimmy has been married to Linda for twenty years, and having an affair for thirteen months with Helda. His best friend of fifteen years is Abbad, who he taught how to fly. After Abbad and his family took over and crashed a plane, Jimmy has been filled with mixed emotions, mostly betrayal. When Linda sees Jimmy with Helda, Jimmy takes his plane and crashes it into a great lake.

Transformation #5: Zits' Father he is a homeless Indian on the streets of Tacoma. He recollects Zits birth and Zits finds out how his father was scared that he would turn out a worse father than his own father. With this fear he runs away and out of Zits life only minutes after his birth. Also Zits' father carries a photo of him from 5yrs old, maybe hes not the cold heartless father Zits thought he was?

Justice is a pretty white kid of seventeen that Zits meets in jail. Justice is very smart for his age and forms a trusting bond with Zits. As Zits's first friend, Justice is very influential as they discuss topics and hangout. Justice gives Zits a paintball gun and a real gun, and convinces Zits to shoot up a bank.

Officer Dave, a city cop in Seattle, WA. He has arrested Zits a number of times and he has always showed compassion for him. He is Robert's brother and played a huge part in Zits' adoption.

Robert is Zits adoptive father and Officer Dave's brother. He works as a firefighter and takes him in along with his wife Mary. Initially, Zits is reluctant to accept their generosity but he warms up to them when he realizes their compassion for him is genuine. At the end of the book, he even reveals his real name to Mary.

Mary, Dave's sister-in-law, wants to be a mother. She and her husband Robert take Zits in and later adopt him. She is trying her hardest to make Zits feel at home and finally safe.



Zit's progresses through a change in adolescence in Flight. He was a troubled youth constantly getting into trouble. However, after a course of events he begins to change. By the end he is finally ready to accept who he is. He is no longer Zits, misfit boy, he is Michael. And now he finally has a real family. "But I'm beginning to think I've been given a chance. I'm beginning to think I might get unlonely. I'm beginning to think I might have a real family...Michael. My real name is Michael. Please call me Michael." Pages 180-181


"I get into arguments and fistfights with everybody. I get so angry that I go blind and deaf and mute." Pages 8. Zit's starts off as a very angry and violent individual. He's violent because he's been bounced from one place to another and he takes out his anger on anyone around him. He also is a witness to violence once he begins his "flights." By experiencing the events, which he is unable to change anything, he realizes that the violence had dire consequences. And by realizing how violence affects those around him he realizes that the way he's living is wrong and he's got to change something.


In Flight, the main character, Zits learns the importance of the choices made and the effect they have on self and others. His "flights" and brief experiences through various men in history, allow Zits to experience firsthand the effects of violence, hatred, anger, etc. “I like to start fire. And I’m ashamed that I’m a fire starter. I’m ashamed of everything, and I’m ashamed of being ashamed” (page 8). This shame reveals that in the center of this young Indian boy, change from his lifestyle of destruction, mischief, and hatred is desired and possible. Through these experiences, he learns empathy as he gains the perspectives of others. After returning from his “flights” he stands in a bank with the choice to pull out his gun and begin firing or walk away from the consequences and guilt he would forever face. While processing his unexpected and bizarre adventures, he decisively ponders, “I used to hate the rain. But now I want it to pour. I want it to storm. I want to be clean” (159). He begins to make changes in his life that dramatically change his morality for the good.

Native American

He notices the racism and stigma attached to being a Native American. He also realizes minorities affect views on life, depending on your background. Zit's realizes that everyone has different views and ideals that are specific to an ethnic group. Also, just because you belong to a particular ethnic group doesn't mean you know everything either. Zit's learned a great deal about his own people when he realized that his own history lied to him. There is always more than one side to a story. "My father was an Indian. From this or that tribe. From this or that reservation. I never knew him..." "I'm Irish and Indian, which would be the coolest blend in the world if my parents were around to teach me how to be Irish and Indian. But they're not here and haven't been for years. So, I'm not really Irish or Indian. I'm a blank sky, a human solar eclipse."

Writing Style

The novel is written from a first person perspective, in a conversational tone. The author uses a comical yet confrontational mode of writing. For example, in Chapter Seven the narrator explains the surroundings by stating, "I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it smells like the Devil dropped a shit right here in the middle of the camp" (61).

Historical References

The story of Flight has many historical references. These vary from the ambiguous mention of a time or place to a specific Indian Reservation. The author did not always reference real events, but parallelisms.

The first reference is found in the character of Hank Storm, an FBI agent in the 1970s. The story portrays violence at the Red River reservation between a group of Native American purists wanting to revert to the traditional ways and FBI agents. Historically the conflict between the agents of the U.S. Government and the Native Americans came to a head at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The American Indian Movement (AIM) was the moniker adopted by the Native Americans in the 1970s. These two groups fought over a variety of issues relating to Indian Rights, Government control and the place of Native Americans in the United States.

Next Zits is transported back to the day of the Battle of Little Big Horn. This historical battle marked one of the last of the Indian wars and the highest number of casualties in a battle waged by Native Americans against U.S. forces. The armed engagement lasted from June 25–26 of 1876 and was an overwhelming victory for Lakota and Northern Cheyenne fighters led by Sitting Bull.

Zits is thrown into yet another volatile situation with Gus, a nineteenth century Indian tracker. In the mid-to-late nineteenth century the westward expansion of pioneers created a powder keg in the form of crowded Native American tribes and nervous white settlers. This erupted in a series of battles and massacres in numerous states. Flight references a retaliatory massacre on the Colorado River. This could be parallel to the atrocities that happened on Sand Creek, which resulted in an overwhelming reaction of disgust from white Easterners. After Sand Creek, military sanctioned retaliatory massacres declined and eventually stopped.

Flight also includes a reference to September 11, 2001, the only attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor in 1941. Muslim members of the Al-Qaeda highjacked four planes as a suicide attack and as a result, many Americans lost their lives. Of the four planes, two were planned to hit the World Trade Center, one the Pentagon, and the final in Washington D.C., though the last attempt failed because of passenger intervention. This event is relevant to Flight, because as a result of the attack many members of the American population's attitudes toward Muslims were significantly altered. When Zits entered the pilot, Jimmy's, body he recollects Jimmy's memories of his Muslim friend Abbad. Abbad shares how he believed Jimmy to think him a terrorist when he approached him about learning how to fly a plane. He also mentions the employers who rejected him prior to Jimmy based on misconceptions because he is a Muslim. Jimmy's worst fears, mostly unspoken, are realized when Abbad crashes his plane into a Chicago building. Race relations are a central element to Flight.


  1. ^ "Flight: A Novel". http://www.powells.com/biblio/9780802170378. Retrieved 2010-06-21.